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Snow Sports Instructor with Federal Certificate of Higher Vocational Education and Training (VET) is the officially acknowledged professional qualification for snow sports instructors in Switzerland. It permits its holder to commercially offer snow sports tuition in the disciplines Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, Telemark and Cross Country Skiing. The purpose of this profession is to provide expert supervision for snow sports guests and to garantuee an unified and goal oriented instruction and technique approach under consideration of each individuals need and condition. With their expertise and competence, professional snow sports instructor considerably help to spark enthusiasm and joy within guests. They take up an important role in a future oriented and promising winter tourism by helping maintain a sustainable and positive development of guests. Snow Sports Instructors with Federal Certificate of Higher VET belong to the most important hosts in a modern winter destination in Switzerland.

The modular education to get the professional certification stretches over several years until the final exam and thesis. During its course, participants receive a comprehensive knowledge, obtained in reoccuring courses of study and training about the pedagogical, methodological-didactic and sport motor skill aspects of snow sports tuition. Subjects range from the context between tourism and environment, avalanche science, communication skils, marketing to applied rights and duties in the field. In addition a traineeship of 80 days is required as well as to master a secondary discipline. Switzerland takes a world wide leading role with this extensive and high quality snow sports education. 

Education Structure

The Swiss Snowsports Association (SSSA) holds the statewide sponsorship of the education. It was originally founded in 1932 to execute ski instructor courses and exams to end different skiing techniques that were taught and varying tuition standards back then. All in the interest to market a nationwide and trustworthy winter tourism. 


Every professional, federal certified snow sports instructor carries a member card of the International Ski Instructors Association ISIA, which is shown upon request for your convenience and assurance.  Do not hesitate to ask your booked or assigned ski instructor to check their legitimacy! 

Additionally, the professional qualification can also be varified at the data base of the International Ski Instructors Association ISIA. 

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